Open To Current → Female High School, Junior College Students, & 4 year college students |
Location: Cornish Field on the campus of East Texas Baptist University
What To Bring:
Severe Weather Policy: Our first priority is the safety of the players. Lightning will be monitored by our certified athletic trainers at the field, as well as the coaching staff. The field will be cleared if lightning occurs within an 8 mile radius of the field, and preparations to clear the field will be made if lightning occurs within a 12 mile radius of the field. We have made accommodations to use the gym space in the HealhPlex (see attached map) if inclement weather persists, and therefore the camp will be held rain or shine.
A certified athletic trainer will be on site to handle all injuries or taping needs, and will also provide water and monitor the weather conditions.
Questions Regarding Camp, Directions or Weather Please Contact:
Joey Petrich, jpetrich@etbu.edu , Cell: 763.291.7799 , Office: 903.923.2378